Creating Active Schools is a ground-breaking programme that supports schools to create impactful and sustainable change to enable all pupils to achieve 30 minutes school-based physical activity and 60 minutes of daily physical activity. Underpinned by the CAS framework, the programme supports schools to profile their current provision prior to action planning to address areas that can have the highest impact. Adopting a behaviour change approach, schools are encouraged to review and address areas within their school related to policy, environments, stakeholders and opportunities; the four corner stones of the CAS framework.
Co-production is at the heart of the CAS approach. Beginning with the 50 stakeholders who engaged in the development of the initial framework, through to the many research and education partners who have contributed to development of the CAS programme. CAS encourages schools to take an autonomous approach to develop their physical activity programme, maximising local assets.
This session will be presented by the CAS national team and will discuss:
– The evidence-led co-production of CAS
– A detailed description of the framework
– How CAS can be used to support Primary schools
– Emerging impact
– Future development plans
– How schools can get involved
Afternoon Workshops

Afternoon Workshops
Creating Active Schools: A whole systems approach to changing behaviours towards physical activity
Delivered By: Dan Wilson, Dr Andy Daly Smith, Ian Holmes
Target Audience
Orienteering and Cross-Curricular Outdoor Learning
Enrich Education currently deliver a 1st4Sport endorsed course in ‘Orienteering and Cross-Curricular Outdoor Learning’. We regularly adapt this course for non-accredited workshops and for sports leaders in schools. Our training ensures improvements in school PE and OAA delivery.
All our resources and activities contribute to our stated mission; to have a positive impact on young people’s health and well-being by providing creative, physically active learning experiences.
The aim of our workshop will be to enthuse, encourage and inform participants about the potential of orienteering and outdoor learning to provide excellent learning experiences, not only in PE and School Sport, but also within several other curriculum areas.
We will enable participants to experience activities that help children establish the foundation skills to successfully take part in orienteering and then demonstrate how these skills can be utilised with cross-curricular learning activities, where physical activity and outdoor learning, including orienteering, are combined with high quality sessions in English, Mathematics, Science, Phonics and Geography.
Finally, we will demonstrate how orienteering and cross-curricular outdoor learning can contribute to young people accessing 60 minutes of physical activity per day and schools achieving additional and sustainable improvements to their PE and Sports offer, referencing SSP key indicators.
Delivered By: Matthew Vaudrey
Target Audience
Supporting transgender and gender diverse young people in Physical Education
There are a growing number of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) students in schools across the country. Many schools are receiving whole-school training to support TGD students. However, the frequency and quality of this training varies from school to school and PE Departments face unique challenges, in what can be a very sensitive issue. TGD students experience high rates of common mental health conditions (such as depression and anxiety) along with suicidality.
PE Departments can take a number of simple and practical measures to support TGD students to feel genuinely safe and valued in PE. My workshop will challenge school leaders and teachers to reflect on various aspects of their PE Department through the lens of a young person with gender dysphoria.
I will reflect on my own practice over my 20 year career, citing examples of how I inadvertently reinforced gender stereotypes and assumptions, now realising I was part of the problem. I will give several examples of what changes I have made to ensure that I have become part of the solution.
Content will include curriculum design / delivery, use of language, setting in PE, communicating an inclusive vision to stakeholders and practical measures such as changing.
Delivered By: Simon Scarborough
Target Audience
Sport Education in Primary Physical Education: Facilitating the curriculum
The workshop will introduce the Sport Education model whilst exploring the pedagogical benefits of how Sport Education can facilitate the Primary Physical Education curriculum, offering ‘How’ to teach rather than simply ‘What’.
The workshop will introduce the delegates to desired outcomes and key features of the model, whilst offering reflections on personal experiences on how to adapt for Primary use and how the students responded. I will discuss seminal moments and key highlights of my career where Sport Education has brought the best out of my students.
I will briefly suggest how the Sport Education model can benefit other areas of the Primary Curriculum and how it can inspire and engage extended learning outside of the PE gymnasium and also helps students to prepare for leadership and independent learning opportunities in KS3.
This workshop will offer clear guidelines on where to start with the model and offer my own personal resources and support for any delegate who wishes to implement the model within their own school settings.
The session will conclude with a Q&A to offer clarity on how the model can impact their students’ Primary PE experience, whilst showing KS3 teachers exactly what KS2 are capable of.
Delivered By: Ryan Forwood
Target Audience
Exploring the Value of a PE Concept Curriculum
PE is so much more than sport. For far too long students (and others) have been put off physical activity because of sport-driven, technique focused and performance obsessed PE lessons.
It’s time to change! PE is in a unique position in that it can directly influence the health and well-being of an individual for the rest of their lives. We can deliver relevant and meaningful learning that will better prepare them for life and promote positive attitudes towards physical activity. We not just believe, but now have the evidence that a concept curriculum can do just that.
During this workshop we will explore the journey of a head of PE in transforming his curriculum offer from a traditional approach to a more inclusive and impactful offer through the use of a concept curriculum. With evidence from student voice and research this workshop aims to showcase how PE can be more impactful and inclusive when using a concept approach.
Delivered By: Lee Sullivan, Dr Liz Durden-Myers and Simon Scarborough
Target Audience
How to embed physical activity throughout the school day
I want to raise the profile and importance of PESSPA in schools, Primary Schools in particular and I believe that helping schools to embed physical activity throughout the school’s day will help do this. But more than this, I feel that schools need to realise the transformative benefits this will have on the children and the school.
This workshop will provide vital data that supports the benefits of having active break and lunchtimes, physically active brain breaks and of course high-quality PE provision.
The practical elements of the workshops will aim to reinforce this by putting the attendees into the learner’s shoes, giving them challenges that will be undertaken after physical learning breaks throughout the session.
Whilst there will be practical elements, they can all be undertaken in a classroom.
The aim will be that by the end the delegates will have no doubt that this is something they will incorporate and embed at their school.
Delivered By: Ben Kirk
Target Audience
Power of three in Physical Education
This workshop will explore how we can effectively construct our pupils learning in both in the short and long term. How do we embed the principles of mastery in a High Quality PE provision whilst still maintaining variety and high engagement?
This workshop will explore the Power of three, the principles behind this approach and the impact on curricula design.
Delivered By: Paul Quinn
Target Audience
‘Eyes wide open’ – Sharing ways in which to include visually impaired children within PE.
The purpose of the workshop is to examine ways in which to include visually impaired (VI) children in PE lessons and physical activity interventions. VI children are approximately 12 months behind developmentally by the age of 5 (Reynell 1978). The impact of missed educational opportunities due to COVID-19 disruptions, may mean that VI children are even further behind. The workshop is designed to take participants through 6 main ways that VI children could be included.
• Physical guidance
• Tactile modelling
• Altering and modifying equipment (sighted guides for Daily Mile, guide wires, tethers and sound sources)
• Verbalising instructions
• Space identification (perimeter search, or tactile map)
• Changing rules.
The session would practically share lived experiences as well as the insight from research undertaken on how these main 6 ways were used to support and enhance the CPD of teachers within one case study school. The workshop is led by a visually impaired teacher who will draw on his own experience of inclusion and exclusion within PE lessons to help support other teachers in their future practice.
Delivered By: Jordan Ablett (with Kristy Howells)
Target Audience
Lunchtime Networking
Health and Safety: Supporting PE and educational recovery
Outcomes of the interactive Health & Safety lunchtime clinic:
Physical education specific advice on the current government operational guidance for schools – including risk assessments
Explore current hot topics in PESSPA health and safety as we move through ‘recovery’
Answer frequently asked member questions around current actions for schools
An opportunity for delegates to ask questions around the current Safe Practice: in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity book or health and safety queries
Delivered By: Steve Caldecott & Nicky Scott
Target Audience
The first term at secondary school after Covid “Discuss”
Join Ally Tansley, Board Member of afPE and Achievement Director for Y7 and transition at Broomfield School in London; alongside Guy Wnuk, Curriculum Leader for PE at Stratford upon Avon School and PE teacher for Oak National Academy.
Our workshop is a post-match analysis of the first term back after Covid. We will have open discussions about the impact of the last two years on secondary pupils, their skill level in PE, KS4 theory gaps, their behaviour and conduct around school and their pastoral needs. Everyone is welcome to share what is going well for them in school and to identify areas for improvement. We will analyse whether solutions identified during Covid & lockdown are still applicable as schools open back up.
Between us, we will share good practice and network with secondary colleagues with the aim of leaving the workshop with some practical ‘do now’ tasks to support the delivery of PE back in school.