Enrich Education is the national education partner of QuidditchUK. We have been responsible for the significant growth of the sport, at youth level and in schools.
Enrich currently deliver a 1st4Sport endorsed entry-level course: ‘Introduction to Quidditch’. We regularly adapt this course for non-accredited workshops and for sports leaders in schools.
All our resources and activities contribute to our mission; to have a positive impact on young people’s health and well-being by providing creative, physically active learning experiences.
The aim of our workshop will be to inform and enthuse participants about the potential of Quidditch to engage all pupils in physical activity, particularly targeted groups and young people who are difficult to engage in traditional sports.
Participants will experience the roles, rules and skills involved in Quidditch and explore how these can be incorporated into the PE national curriculum, providing an inclusive, dynamic new activity that can also be utilised for innovative extra-curricular delivery, or for intra and inter school tournaments.
Finally, we will demonstrate how Quidditch can contribute to young people accessing 60 minutes of physical activity per day and schools achieving sustainable improvements to their PE and Sports offer, referencing SSP key indicators.
Morning Workshops

Morning Workshops
Introduction to Quidditch
Delivered By: Matthew Vaudrey
Target Audience
Improving teacher and pupil wellbeing in curriculum dance delivery
The emotional and mental wellbeing of both students and teachers has been brought to the fore during the pandemic and we need to focus on building back better.
Dance is an incredible vehicle for whole child development and can help to support physical, social, cognitive and emotional wellbeing when delivered well.
Conversely, it is an area that can cause anxiety and worry for teachers due to a lack of subject knowledge and confidence, which in turn can negatively affect wellbeing.
This workshop aims to address both sides of the coin, focussing on building teacher confidence and taking away the anxiety of curriculum planning and delivery, whilst simultaneously sharing a plethora of approaches and techniques that will ensure children go on to experience, high quality, engaging lessons.
The session will look to put both teacher and pupils’ wellbeing at its heart and provide, simple, practical and usable examples to take back to school, improving curriculum dance for pupils and teachers alike.
Delivered By: Eve Murphy
Target Audience
Using Movement Oriented Games Based Assessment (MOGBA) to enhance 8-12 year old’s self-confidence and enjoyment
For years, we have used modified games to improve the involvement, enjoyment, game and technical development of children. We have also been perennially concerned with assessing and developing children’s fundamental and sport-specific movement development. Rarely have we been able to combine these two pedagogical strategies in a way that supports children’s development effectively.
This workshop will discuss a potential solution by illustrating recent work conducted in collaboration with Nike and the Youth Sport Trust, which seeks to bridge a child’s transition from learning fundamental movement skills to applying these into more complex, sport-specific activities. The Movement Oriented Games Based Assessment (MOGBA) is a resource that is being trialled across the world and this workshop will describe and rationalise the program, ahead of its launch early in the new year. Be prepared for a stimulating discussion that will check and challenge how this will work for you in your environments.
Delivered By: Prof David Morley
Target Audience
Building Mental Fitness in PE
I will show delegates how to create a proactive early intervention wellbeing programme for all in PE to reduce student’s anxiety and create calmer, happier students leading to better relationships, improved behaviour and attainment outcomes.
I am the current Director of Sport, Health & PSHE at City Academy Norwich. This programme contributed significantly to my school being awarded the AfPE quality mark with Distinction and is now being replicated around the world in over 30 schools. We’ve had some great feedback from our partner schools about the impact it is having on their students’ lives.
The session will show delegates how to identify students who are struggling but sneak under the radar. We will then show delegates how to build confidence, complete a body scan, access the happiness chemicals and help students develop healthy habits to build their mental fitness.
I will finish of by talking briefly about how the programme can be used in 7 different ways to help PE leaders create whole school impact.
The programme is based on academic research and places PE front and centre in the battle for our children’s mental health.
Please see this blog post for more info about the programme:
Delivered By: Neil Moggan
Target Audience
The Power of PE & Sport– Cross Curricular Holocaust Education
A talk/presentation on PE curriculum development that includes and encompasses opportunities to educate pupils in specific cross curricular learning that supports our academies Holocaust Beacon status. An exploration of current and future plans in a large secondary academy utilising physical education as a tool for educating pupils on historical atrocities such as Rwanda, the Holocaust and Srebrenica.
Royal Wootton Bassett Academy is a Holocaust Education Beacon which forms a major part of pupil learning through a variety of school areas. Since a learning journey to Auschwitz the PE department at RWBA has looked to develop opportunities through curriculum design and bespoke face to face and virtual lessons to support the learning of the schools beacon status.
Delivered By: Mr Charlie I’Anson
Target Audience
Taking Learning Beyond the Classroom Walls
Schools are incredibly busy places with relentless pressures to increase standards. Meanwhile, the health and wellbeing of school children is on the decline.
• Physical activity levels amongst primary-aged children are falling from as early as 7
• Only 10% of children achieve the daily recommendations for physical activity
• Increasing numbers of children are leaving school classified as obese or overweight
Traditional approaches towards improving health outcomes for children focus heavily upon Sport & PE during segmented periods of the school day. But does this engage all children in becoming more active? Or does it merely maintain the levels of those that are active already?
Research has found that Physically Active Learning (PAL) can:
• Improve classroom behaviour and activity engagement
• Significantly reduce sedentary periods of time
• Offer aggregated improvement in academic performance over time
Leaders will learn:
• how to integrate PAL approaches into teaching and learning across their school
• fresh perspectives on how to maximise the impact of PE & Sports Premium funding to impact ALL children’s physical activity levels EVERY DAY
Teachers will explore:
• approaches and strategies to integrate physical activity within the classroom environment and beyond
• new ways to enable children to sit less & move more, while fully engaging with their learning
Delivered By: Bryn Llewellyn & Ian Holmes
Target Audience
Trauma-Aware Pedagogies in Physical Education
There has been much focus recently on the potential impact of trauma on young people, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Trauma results from adverse childhood experiences, whereby young people are exposed to stressful events while growing up – with trauma occurring when coping mechanisms are overwhelmed. The impacts of trauma can be significant and lasting, and can often ‘play out’ in young people’s school experiences (e.g. disengagement, disruption, conflict). However, without the benefit of a ‘trauma-aware lens’, which affords teachers a better understanding of the reasons behind challenging presentations, such behaviours can be misinterpreted as intentional or obstructive. Notably, physical education (PE) – as a subject whereby participation is public and the body plays a central role – may be particularly problematic for those who have experienced trauma as a result, for example, of abuse or neglect. However, PE also has much potential to provide positive developmental opportunities for young people who have experienced trauma. Drawing on recent research with both young people and pre-service teachers, this interactive workshop examines the pedagogical implications of trauma within PE and considers how practitioners might best support pupils who have been affected by it.
Delivered By: Dr Oliver Hooper, Dr Rachel Sandford, Dr Tom Quarmby, Dr Shirley Gray
Target Audience
Piloting PE as a core subject across a Multi Academy Trust. afPE Taskforce Recommendation – from Intent to Implementation.
This workshop will remind delegates of the key recommendations of the afPE Taskforce. In particular, it will focus on the Key Recommendation that the status of PE should be reviewed, putting it on a par with the core subjects of English and maths. In doing so the workshop will share how one Multi Academy Trust, working in partnership with afPE, is planning to explore what being a core subject would look like in practice. What might be the biggest challenges for schools leaders and PE departments in achieving this ambition? How would any change of status for PE impact upon young people? What would delegates be hoping to see in their own schools if PE was to become a core subject, and to what extent do delegates believe that this could become a reality?
Delivered By: Shaun Dowling
Target Audience
Lunchtime Networking
Health and Safety: Supporting PE and educational recovery
Outcomes of the interactive Health & Safety lunchtime clinic:
Physical education specific advice on the current government operational guidance for schools – including risk assessments
Explore current hot topics in PESSPA health and safety as we move through ‘recovery’
Answer frequently asked member questions around current actions for schools
An opportunity for delegates to ask questions around the current Safe Practice: in Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity book or health and safety queries
Delivered By: Steve Caldecott & Nicky Scott
Target Audience
The first term at secondary school after Covid “Discuss”
Join Ally Tansley, Board Member of afPE and Achievement Director for Y7 and transition at Broomfield School in London; alongside Guy Wnuk, Curriculum Leader for PE at Stratford upon Avon School and PE teacher for Oak National Academy.
Our workshop is a post-match analysis of the first term back after Covid. We will have open discussions about the impact of the last two years on secondary pupils, their skill level in PE, KS4 theory gaps, their behaviour and conduct around school and their pastoral needs. Everyone is welcome to share what is going well for them in school and to identify areas for improvement. We will analyse whether solutions identified during Covid & lockdown are still applicable as schools open back up.
Between us, we will share good practice and network with secondary colleagues with the aim of leaving the workshop with some practical ‘do now’ tasks to support the delivery of PE back in school.