Interactive Learning Sessions – Tuesday – PM

Tuesday - PM
9th July 2019
Name: Caroline Holder
Target Audience: Head Teachers, Subject Leaders, Pri Teachers, PE Advisers, Lecturers, Consultants, Coaches, Trainees, Governors, CSP/AP Leads, Other
Title: Skills to Music
Description: A practical session looking showing a range of skills and tricks to do with hoola hoops, dance ribbons, bubbles and balls.
Through inspiring pupils to practice these skills as part of their PE lessons, and in informal learning time such as at home, at break and lunchtimes. This has proven to impact not only on their increasing skill level but also their physical and emotional health and well-being.
Hitting Outcomes:
- Offering practical sessions that will broaden the curriculum offer (especially non-traditional activities)
- Improving the outcomes for children and young peoples’ physical health
Name: Michelle Roberts
Target Audience: Head Teachers, Subject Leaders, Primary Teachers, PE Advisers, Consultants, Governors
Title: Wild Tribe Outdoor Learning – ‘Developing emotionally resilient learners’
Description: This workshop will focus on implementing an effective outdoor learning programme in your school and will look at the positive impact learning in the outdoors has on improving physical and emotional health and well-being for children.
Name: Ally Tansley
Target Audience: Head Teachers, Subject Leaders, Secondary Teachers, PE Advisers, Consultants, Coaches, Trainees, Governors
Title: Sustainable sports leadership in secondary schools
Description: Why do we offer sports leadership training and volunteering opportunities at school? Is it to develop life long skills for students or because we need leaders to help deliver a School Games competition? Or both?
This workshop looks at creating a training and volunteering pathway for students to independently apply their leadership skills beyond the school day.
We will explore the knowledge and understanding that can be gained during the training (intent), an example delivery method (implementation) and the effect the experience can potentially have on each individual (impact).
Name: Eugene Minogue
Target Audience: Head Teachers, Subject Leaders, Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, PE Advisers, Lecturers, Consultants, Trainees, Governors, CSP Education Leads
Title: Introducing Parkour/Freerunning to Schools #GiveParkourAGo
Description: This interactive workshop will support delegates in demonstrating the impact of PE, school sport and or physical activity on young people’s physical health and emotional well-being, as well as the impact on whole school improvement.
An interactive workshop on the history, philosophy and practice of Parkour/Freerunning and how schools might safely introduce Parkour/Freerunning into their programmes via existing and/external workforce.
N.B. This is a (Primary) session. This workshop takes place outdoors.
Name: Dr Rachel Sandford (Lead presenter), Dr Thomas Quarmby, Dr Oliver Hooper, Dr Rebecca Duncombe
Target Audience: Head Teachers, Subject Leaders, Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, PE Advisers, Lecturers, Consultants, Coaches, Trainees, Governors, CSP/AP Children and young people leads.
Title: Supporting Care Experienced Young People’s Participation in Sport, Physical Education and Physical Activity
Description: This workshop aims to enhance practitioners’ understandings of how sport, physical education (PE) and physical activity (PA) can have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of care-experienced young people (CEYP).
Drawing on the latest research from a British Academy-funded project, the workshop offers a carousel of interactive activities for delegates to engage with.
Delegates will be able to identify how they might better implement support for CEYP’s participation in activities that promote health and well-being.
The workshop will benefit anyone who works with and for CEYP, specifically teachers (primary and secondary), headteachers, local authorities and other professionals (e.g. PE advisers and coaches).
Name: Steve Caldecott
Target Audience: Head Teachers, Subject Leaders, Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, PE Advisers, Lecturers, Consultants, Coaches, Trainees, Governors, CSP/AP Children and young people leads
Title: Using the new Ofsted framework to review your PE – Intent/Implementation/Impact
Description: In this workshop, delegates will benefit from first hand knowledge of the new Ofsted framework. This will help in reviewing PESSPA provision focusing on Intent/Implementation/Impact.
Name: Kevin Byrne
Target Audience: Head Teachers, Subject Leaders, Primary Teachers, Secondary Teachers, PE Advisers, Trainees, Governors, CSP/AP Children and young people leads, Other
Title: Using Physical Activity as part of an intervention to improve mental health and ultimately attainment and achievement
Description: The workshop will describe strategies to help schools improve engagement, attainment and achievement of targeted students by focusing on wellbeing and physical activity interventions. The workshop will share experiences in the following areas:
- Recruitment of student; informed by INTENT
- Student Voice to inform INTENT
- Measuring for IMPACT
- Demonstrating IMPACT
- IMPLEMENTATION of Activities
- Sustainability of provision (IMPACT)